Gay Satan L.courageouspriest...Nienstedt, unrepentant after spamming 400000 Minnesota homes with anti-gay DVD`s in 2010, has now come out with a whopper: Satan is the source of same-sex marriage gay satan Post Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:59 am Post subject: Reply with quote. Foster of Voice of the Voiceless and Ex-Gay Pride/Awareness Month has posted on his blog a handy explanation of why homosexuality is a sin and possibly the worst sin of them all. If all those reports from the Middle Ages of him having intercourse with witches (of all ages and both sexes) are true, then it seems more likely he`s& .. .Last weekend, a New York-based satanic cult performed gay marriages on the grave of Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps`s mother`s Gay “marriage,” which is now legal in 13 states, is based upon a lie about human sexuality that is diabolical and which is “aimed at destroying individuals, families, and& .(CNSNews) Gay “marriage,” which is now legal in 13 states, is based upon a lie about human sexuality that is diabolical and which is “aimed at destroying individuals, families, and eventually our nation,” said American& D.The Catholic archbishop of Minneapolis, John Nienstedt, thinks Satan is the real power behind the recent success of gay marriage.http://www.An anti-gay activist on Friday suggested Pope Francis was “naïve” to doubt the intentions of what he described as “Satan`s earthly minions” to destroy the Catholic Church by promoting homosexuality.Pat Robertson`s 700 Club today featured the story of Debra Gauthier, a Nevada police officer who “bought the lie” about homosexuality until she became a Christian and renounced her identity as a lesbian .A US anti-gay radio host has said that Pope Francis was "naive" to doubt gay people, or "Satan`s earthly minions`" intentions to destroy the Catholic Church by promoting homosexuality. Peter LaBarbera& .. The satanic ritual known as “Pink Mass”, was performed twice with two& L.courageouspriest...Nienstedt, unrepentant after spamming 400000 Minnesota homes with anti-gay DVD`s in 2010, has now come out with a whopper: Satan is the source of same-sex marriage smallest string bikini
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